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Selamat Datang di Blog Novi Tuimtihanah, Saya Suka Mengoleksi Resep Menu Makanan. Kalau Anda Suka Mari Saling berbagi ~~~~~~ Resep Masakan Indonesia dan Resep Masakan Luar Negeri

Resep Menu Berbuka Puasa, Menggugah Selera Berbuka Puasa

Menu Buka Puasa Resep Masakan Berbuka Simple dan Lezat - Resep Mi Hot Plate Udang Meningkatkan Selera Berbuka Puasa Ramadhan.

Sudah menjadi tradisi saat menjalankan ibadah puasa waktu yang paling ditunggu adalah bedug maghrib. Percaya atau tidak, katanya rating tertinggi untuk acara TV yang paling banyak ditonton pemirsa di seluruh Indonesia saat Ramadan adalah adzan maghrib pertanda waktu berbuka. Luar biasa! Lapernya itu lho :)
resep buka puasa, resep menu buka puasa, hidangan buka puasa, resep menu berbuka puasa, resep makanan buka puasa, menu berbuka puasa, cara membuat aneka resep hidangan berbuka puasa, menu puasa, resep masakan buka puasa, menu buka puasa

Nah berikut ini resep hidangan untuk buka puasa ala resto. Lumayan untuk sedikit menghemat kantong daripada harus berbuka di restoran ya. Melengkapi resep mie sebelumnya yaitu resep menu masakan untuk buka puasa mi goreng ala Malaysia.

Selamat menikmati sahabat Rumah Islami.

Resep Buka Puasa - Resep Mie: Mi Hot Plate Udang

Sajian mi gaya resto ini mudah dibuat di rumah. Mi yang kenyal lembut beradu dengan kuah udang yang kental gurih dan wangi. Slruup...enak untuk pembangkit selera di awal minggu ini!

500 g mi telur basah
1 sdm minyak sayur
2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
¼ sdt jahe cincang halus
100 g udang kupas sedang
2 sdm saus tiram
1 sdm kecap asin
500 ml kaldu/air
½ sdt merica bubuk
1 sdt garam
50 g wortel, iris serong tipis
75 g daun sawi hijau, potong-potong
1 sdm tepung kanji, larutkan dengan sedikit air
2 sdm bawang merah goreng

Cara membuat:

* Siram mi dengan air panas, tiriskan.
* Saus: Tumis bawang putih dan jahe hingga wangi.
* Masukkan udang dan cumi, aduk hingga kaku.
* Masukkan bumbu, dan air, didihkan.
* Tambahkan sayuran, didihkan hingga layu.
* Tuangi larutan kanji, aduk hingga mendidih. Angkat.
* Panaskan hotplate di atas api hingga panas benar.
* Taruh mi di atasnya.
* Siram dengan Sausnya hingga mendidih dan bergolak.
* Sajikan panas.

Sumber artikel:

buka puasa menu buka puasa, puasa ramadhan, menu buka puasa 2010, resep buka puasa simple, makanan masakan buka puasa sederhana, buffet ramadhan 2010 1431h, kumpulan resep mie

Resep Menu Masakan Untuk Berbuka Puasa Anda

Nah untuk para ibu rumah tangga pasti mulai bingung menyiapkan menu hidangan buka puasa yang dapat mebuat suami maupun anak anak menjadi segar kembali dan tidak bosan serta ketagihan masakan anda. Nah di kesempatan kali ini saya ingin berbagi beberapa resep menu masakan untuk buka puasa. Hidangan di sini bukan makanan berat melainkan makanan pembuka buka puasa atau biasa disebut tajil. Nah resep tajil ini pastinya sangat lezat jika di aplikasikan langsung menjadi masakan. Nah berhubung saya ini adalah laki laki yang tidak bisa memasak makanya saya memberikan resep menu makanan buka puasa ini untuk anda yang bisa masak khusunya bagi anda para ibu rumah tangga.
resep buka puasa, resep menu buka puasa, hidangan buka puasa, resep menu berbuka puasa, resep makanan buka puasa, menu berbuka puasa, cara membuat aneka resep hidangan berbuka puasa, menu puasa, resep masakan buka puasa, menu buka puasa

Nah Menu Tajil itu di sarankan untuk di santap bagi yang berbuka puasa biar perut tidak kaget, Nah setelah makan tajil lebih baik sholat magrib dulu, baru setelah sholat di lanjutkan dengan makan makanan yang berat seperti nasi dan lauk pauknya. Nah itu juga katanya baik untuk kesehatan lho. nah bagi yang sudah tidak sabar mengetahui resep menu makanan untuk pembuka buka puasa atau menu tajil buka puasa ini.

Menu Resep Tajil Buka Puasa Enak sekali bisa anda lihat di bawah:

Singkong Kuah Santan Legit – Menu Makanan Buka Puasa

500 gr singkong, kupas, cuci potong 2 x 2 x 2 cm
500 ml air
½ sdt garam
3 lembar daun pandan
50 gr gula pasir
250 ml santan dari 1 butir kelapa
100 gr nangka potong kotak-kotak

100 ml santan
½ sdt garam
1 sdm gula pasir
1 sdm tepung maizena, cairkan dengan sedikit santan

Cara membuat:
1. Rebus singkong, air, garam dan daun pandan, di atas api kecil, sampai singkong matang dan air habis. Jaga singkong jangan sampai hancur. Jika singkong belum empuk tambahkan air lagi masak hingga air habis.
2. Tambahkan gula pasir dan santan, aduk perlahan agar singkong tidak hancur hingga mengental. Masukkan potongan nangka, aduk rata, angkat, sisihkan.
3. Campur semua bahan areh, didihkan hingga kental, angkat, sisihkan.
4. Masukkan adonan singkong dalam mangkok, siram dengan areh. Sajikan.
Untuk 6 orang

Lemon Fruit – Kumpulan Resep Masakan Bulan Suci Ramadhan

300 gr melon hijau, cetak bentuk bulat
300 gr melon kuning, cetak bentuk bulat
300 gr nata decoco
300 gr leci kalengan, tiriskan
300 gr gula pasir
300 ml air
150 ml air jeruk nipis
350 ml soda
1 bgk agar-agar merah
500 ml air
150 gr gula pasir

Cara membuat:
1. Rebus gula dan air hingga larut, angkat, dinginkan. Tambahkan air jeruk nipis dan soda, aduk rata.
2. Masak agar-agar, air dan gula pasir hingga mendidih, tuang dalam loyang persegi, dinginkan lalu potong bentuk dadu.
3. Masukkan bola-bola buah dalam mangkuk, tambahkan agar-agar merah, leci, air gula dan soda, aduk rata. Sajikan dengan es batu.
Untuk 6 orang

Es Kolang-kaling – Aneka Menu Ringan Bulan Ramadhan 2009

250 gr kolang-kaling, iris tipis
150 gr gula pasir
500 ml air
pewarna merah
100 ml sirop merah
3 sdm air jeruk nipis
350 gr leci kalengan tiriskan
1 bgk agar-agar putih
500 ml air
150 gr gula pasir
susu kental manis
es batu

Cara membuat:
1. Masak 100 gr gula, kolang-kaling, air dan pewarna merah sampai kolang-kaling empuk dan air habis, angkat, tiriskan.
2. Masak agar-agar, 100 gr gula dan 500 ml air, masak hingga mendidih. Tuang dalam loyang, biarkan beku, lalu serut agar-agar memanjang, sisihkan.
3. Masukkan dalam gelas, agar-agar serut, leci, kolang kaling, susu kental manis dan sirop merah. Sajikan dingin.
Untuk 6 gelas

Crepe Coconut – Menu Buka Puasa Ramadhan

DetailBahan dadar:
250 ml santan dari 1 butir kelapa
50 gr gula palem
1 sdt bumbu spekuk
1 sdt garam
150 gr tepung terigu
2 btr telur kocok

750 ml santan dari 1 butir kelapa
100 gr maizena
100 gr gula pasir
½ sdt garam
2 kuning telur
2 btr kelapa muda, kerok dagingnya
200 gr kismis

Lapisan Atas:
4 putih telur
3 sdm gula pasir halus

Cara membuat:
1. Dadar: campur semua bahan dadar, aduk rata hingga kental. Buat dadar yang tebal dengan menggunakan wajan dadar bergaris tengah 22 cm. Adonan ini dibuat mejadi 6 lembar.
2. Vla: Campur santan, maizena, gula pasir, garam, aduk rata, lalu didihkan. Ambil sedikit adonan vla, masukkan dalam kuning telur kocok aduk rata. Masukkan kembali dalam adonan vla, tambahkan sebagian kismis dan kelapa muda aduk rata.
3. Lapisan Atas: kocok putih telur hingga mengembang, lalu masukkan gula sedikit demi sedikit, sambil terus dikocok hingga kaku.
4. Penyelesaian: siapkan pinggan tahan panas bulat, ukuran 22 cm, lalu oles dengan margarin. Taruh selembar dadar di dasar pinggan, lalu tuangkan adonan vla. Ulangi hingga adonan dadar habis.
5. Tuangkan putih telur, diatasnya hingga seluruh bagian tertutup oleh putih telur. Hias atasnya dengan kismis.
6. Panggang dalam oven hingga berwarna kecokelatan. Angkat.
Untuk 6 orang

Puding Ketan Hitam – Resep Berbuka 2009

100 gr gula pasir
5 kuning telur
3 putih telur
500 ml susu segar
250 gr tapai ketan hitam
1 sdt garam

Cara membuat:
1. Siapkan pinggan tahan panas volume 250 ml. Kocok gula pasir dan telur hingga gula larut, masukkan susu sedikit demi sedikit sambil aduk hingga rata. Saring, sisihkan.
2. Masukkan 2 sdm tapai ketan hitam dalam pinggan tahan panas, ratakan, lalu tuang adonan telur.
3. Kukus dalam dandang panas, kecilkan apinya, masak hingga matang, angkat. Sebelum disajikan, taburi bagian atas pudding dengan tapai ketan hitam.
Untuk 4 orang

Sumber resep:

Resep Bakpia Almond, Cokelat, Keju


Material A:
250 grams flour
Vegetable oil 75 cc
150 cc water
1 / 2 teaspoon salt

Material B:
250 gr flour Key Blue / Blue Wheels
150 cc oil

Material Content:
500 gr green beans, peeled
500 gr sugar
100 cc oil
Chocolate, cheese, vanilla to taste

How to Treat:

How to Create Content:
1. 100 cc heat the oil over the fire.
2. Enter the green beans after the heat.
3. Put the sugar, vanilla.
4. Some were given chocolate and vanilla.
5. For the cheese, no sugar was given cheese.

How to Make Bakpia Pathok:
1. Stir all ingredients A so evenly.
2. Stir all ingredients B and so evenly.
3. A thin batter A.
4. Right half of the dough thinly B. Place the dough over A which has been flattened.
5. Fold.
6. Thin the remaining dough B.
7. B Place the dough on the dough that has been folded.
8. Roll up and divided by two.
9. Cut each piece crosswise into pieces 1 cm.
10. Thin out each piece of dough, fill with batter contents.
11. Get hold up neatly.
12. Place on baking sheet, polish with egg yolk.
13. Bake in hot oven for 30 minutes until golden brown. Remove and let cool.

Resep Agar Agar Lapis Kelapa Muda

Source: Femina Primarasa Dishes

Cuisine Category: Desserts


White Layer Material:
500 ml coconut milk, and 1 1 / 2 coconut
100 grams granulated sugar
1 packet gelatin powder white
A young coconut, coarse rake
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 / 2 teaspoon coconut scent (coconut essence)

Chocolate Layer Material:
200 grams of brown sugar
1 packet gelatin powder white
750 ml water

Santan Sauce Ingredients:
200 ml coconut milk from half coconut
1 pandan leaves
1 / 2 teaspoon salt

How to Treat:

Make a layer of white:
1. Boil the coconut milk while stirring-stirring.
2. Remove and let cool.
3. Separate the thick coconut milk that gathered on the surface.
4. Cook the liquid coconut milk with sugar and gelatin until boiling.
5. Enter the palm rake, then lift it from the heat.
6. Enter the beaten eggs, essence of coconut, and coconut milk.
7. Stir until blended completely, then pour into pan.
8. Set aside to cool.
9. After hardening, dredging jelly with a spoon, set aside.

Make chocolate layer:
1. Cook brown sugar, gelatin, and water to the boil, then strain.
2. Wet cup / bowl with water.
3. Pour 1 tablespoon vegetable gelatin chocolate into it.
4. The rest leave it over low heat to keep liquid.
5. Enter White dredged gelatin into a glass / bowl.
6. Let cool slightly.
7. Pour more gelatinous brown on top, give dredged jelly white.
8. Do so until the two ingredients gelatin over.
9. Try to keep the brown at the top.
10. Refrigerate until hardened.

Santan Sauce Making:
1. Cook the coconut milk, pandanus, and salt to a boil while stirring, keep stirring so that milk is not broken.
2. Remove, let cool, serve with jelly.

Recipe BBQ Ribs, Meat Recipe


1 liter of water to boil
1 kg of imported beef ribs, cut each rib segment 10 cm long

BBQ Sauce ingredients, stir well:
150 ml bottled chili sauce
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon mustard

Coleslaw ingredients, mix well:
200 grams of cabbage leaves, thinly sliced
100 grams of carrot, grated coarse
25 grams of large stalks celery, sliced thin crosswise

Coleslaw dressing ingredients, mix well:
50 grams of mayonnaise, ready to buy
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon mustard paste

How to Treat:

How to Make coleslaw:
1. Coleslaw: Stir coleslaw and sauce ingredients.

How To Make BBQ Ribs:
1. Boil until tender beef ribs. Lift and set aside.
2. Brush the cooked ribs with BBQ sauce.
3. Bake in hot oven temperature to 200 degrees Celsius for 25 minutes until cooked. Lift.
4. Serve ribs with coleslaw immediately while warm.

Chicken Recipe,Roast Fillet Kakap


500 grams of fillet snapper

Marinade ingredients (mixed together)
2 tablespoons lemon juice
3 tablespoons chili sauce
3 tablespoons ketchup rnanis
2 teaspoons liquid margarine

Sauce ingredients (mixed together)
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 onions, chopped
1 hot pepper, chopped
1 tablespoon lemon juice

How to Treat:

1. Cut the fish into six square sections.
2. Marinate the fish with the marinade mixture, then set aside for 15 minutes to allow the flavors to infuse.
3. Grill the fish on the embers of the fire as he flipped through until cooked.
4. Serve with sauce.

Chicken Recipe, chicken ala king


Estimated Preparation Time: 20 minutes

3 tablespoons minced onion
2 tablespoons chicken broth or beef
1 tablespoon salt
1 cup milk
1 / 2 pounds of chicken meat cubes
1 hard-boiled eggs in slices
1 1 /3 cup cooked spinach

How to Treat:

Place the skillet and saute onion with broth and salt, enter the milk, stir well, continue until the milk boils and thickens.

Combine chicken, egg and spinach.
Serve hot

Recipe Chiffon Mousse Eggs


2 tablespoons olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
1 red bell pepper, finely chopped
1 hot pepper, finely chopped
1 tin tomatoes
2 tablespoons tomato paste
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
4 eggs
4 bay leaves
1 tablespoon parsley, finely chopped

How to Treat:

1. Saute onions, peppers, chilies, tomatoes, salt, tomato paste, and olive oil. Once wilted, pour in the hot dish.
2. Make the holes, then break the eggs one by one into a hole. Cover eggs with bay leaves.
3. Bake for 30 minutes, remove and sprinkle parsley.
4. Serve warm.

Recipe Goat Meat Pepper Seasoning


Presented To: 6 People

500 grams of goat meat, cut into 3x3 cm
1 onion, finely chopped
2 tablespoons cooking oil
1 / 2 teaspoon paprika powder
50 ml water
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1000 ml water
2 green peppers, cut into small boxes
1 can of tomatoes, finely chopped
200 ml sour cream
1 1 / 2 tablespoons flour
100 ml sour cream to spray

How to Treat:

1. Saute onion until softened, about 5 minutes.
2. Enter the paprika powder and 50 ml of water, cook until boiling.
3. Insert meat and salt, then cover the pan for 10 minutes.
4. Pour water, paprika, and tomato cans.
5. Stir as he entered the wheat flour and sour cream, stir well.
6. Cook until the sauce thickened, remove from heat.
7th. Serve with sour cream doused.

Chicken Recipe,Chicken Content


4 slices white bread, cut into pieces
200 ml of liquid milk
1 teaspoon onion, finely chopped
1 can of liver paste chicken (chicken is ready for use)
2 eggs
1 / 2 tablespoon parsley, finely chopped
1 / 4 teaspoon salt
1 / 2 teaspoon ground pepper
1 chicken
4 tablespoons butter, melted

How to Treat:

1. Soak bread in milk.
2. Remove chicken from bones, chop chicken breasts from the start, continue until the bone apart, left wing and femur bone underneath.
3. Saute onion until wilted, remove from heat. After the cold mix the liver paste, bread, eggs, basil, salt and pepper and stir well.
4. Fill the chicken's stomach.
5. Sew the chicken until the chicken stomach re-shaped.
6. Brush the melted butter.
7th. Bake in preheated oven for 45 minutes while dioles with butter

Healthy Recipes Avocado Sandwich


6 pieces of Bread
6 ripe avocado, peeled diced
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 tablespoon sweetened condensed milk
3 pieces of cheese slices

How to Treat:

1. Mix the mayonnaise with sweet condensed milk in a Soup Bowl Tupperware container, stir well and set aside.
2. Take the piece of bread, spread with mayonnaise mixture and then arrange the avocado and cheese slices on top, then cover again with the bread.
3. Ready to be served

Fried Chicken Meal, Chicken recipe


5 pieces of chicken thighs bottom, ready to use
Chicken egg whites 2 eggs, beaten
Oil for frying

Marinade ingredients:
1 teaspoon ground pepper
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon grated ginger
3 cloves garlic, grated

Lining material:
75 grams cornstarch
25 grams of wheat flour
2 teaspoons chili powder
1 / 2 teaspoon fine salt

How to Treat:

1. Stir well all the coating materials.
2. Marinate chicken thighs in the marinade, let stand for 30 minutes. Set aside.
3. Dip each chicken thigh in eggs, and roll in flour mixture until covered evenly.
4. Heat oil, fry the chicken until cooked through and change color, remove from heat. Drain.
5. Serve chicken with fried potatoes, if desired and chilli sauce or tomato sauce.

Chicken Recipe,Laksa Ayam


500 grams of chicken meat, diced 2 cm
1 onion, roughly chopped
2 cm fresh ginger, crushed
8 cm galangal, smashed
1 stem ginger, white part, crushed
2 pieces Chilli pepper, roughly chopped
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 / 2 tablespoons curry powder seasoning
500 ml chicken broth
60 g Rice vermicelli, soaked in cold water until soft
50 grams egg noodles, boiled until half done
400 ml Santan
3 stalks leeks, thinly sliced
90 grams of bean sprouts
1 stalk coriander leaves, if desired

How to Treat:

1. Saute onion, galangal, lemongrass and ginger until fragrant, put chicken meat. Stir until the chicken changes color.
2. Enter a curry seasoning. Stir briefly
3. Pour water and coconut milk, cook while stirring, boil and stir until all ingredients well. Lift.
4. Presentation: Place the stacking and egg noodles in the bowl, give the bean sprouts. Pour the laksa, sprinkle with chopped cilantro if desired.
5. Serve hot

Chicken Recipe, Rica-Rica Chicken


1 chicken cut in 16 sections
2 stalks lemongrass in crushed
6 pieces of red onion chopped
1 pandan leaves
5 pieces of orange leaves
50 ml cooking oil
150 ml water
1 lemon
12 pieces of red chilli
10 pieces of red cayenne pepper
7 cloves garlic
4 cm ginger

How to Treat:

1. Red chili puree, red chilli pepper garlic and ginger, set aside.
2. Saute onion, lemongrass and pandan leaves until the onion turns golden brown.
3. Insert the spice paste and lime leaves, stir until fragrant.
4. Then enter the chicken stir until chicken changes color, add water, reduce heat and cover. Tightly closed until the water was a bit dry with an occasional flip-flops. Lift.
5. Add lemon juice, stirring until blended.

Chicken Recipe,Chicken broth of coconut milk


Estimated Preparation Time: 45 minutes

Presented To: 6 People

3 tablespoons vegetable oil
500 grams chicken, cut into pieces
500 ml coconut milk
2 tablespoons Nestlé DANCOW Fullcream, dissolve with 100 ml water

Pulverized material:
6 pieces of red chilli
6 red onions
4 cloves garlic
4 para hazelnut
1 cm turmeric
1 stalk lemongrass, white part, thinly sliced
1 teaspoon shrimp paste fried
½ teaspoon pepper
2 fruit Maggi Chicken ® Block Pain
½ teaspoon sugar

Topping ingredients:
2 tablespoons fried shallots

How to Treat:

1. Stir-fry ground spices until fragrant.
2. Add chicken, stirring until stiff and discolored.
3. Pour the coconut milk and cook sauce until boiling and thickened, remove from heat.
4. Serve warm and sprinkle with fried shallots as a complement.

- In addition to chicken meat can be used chicken pieces that still reinforced.
- In order to use the sauce not too thick coconut milk which was, not too thick. Can be made from grated coconut ½

Nutrition Information:
Calories: 197 Calories
Protein: 20.5 grams
Fat: 10.6 grams
Fiber: 1:21 grams
Carbohydrates: 4.68 grams

Chicken Recipe,Lemon Roasted Chicken


Presented To: 6 People

1 chicken, cut into 6, crushed
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon salt
2 limes, halved
3 tablespoons soy sauce
100 ml coconut milk
4 lime leaves
2 tablespoons cooking oil
5 pieces of red onion
3 cloves garlic

How to Treat:

1. Puree the onion.

2. Puree the garlic.
3. Soak Chicken in lemon juice and salt for 30 minutes. Set aside.
4. Saute onion and white that has been mashed with lime leaves until fragrant.
5. Add chicken, stirring until the color changes.
6. Add soy sauce and coconut milk. Stir until half cooked.
7th. Fuel with lime pieces until cooked.
8. Serve with warm rice......

chicken recipe,Black Pepper Roast Chicken


4 pieces of chicken thighs top (without bones)
1 stalk spring onion, thinly sliced

Marinade Ingredients:

2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 clove garlic, minced
3 onions, chopped
2 tbsp Maggi Oyster Sauce ®
2 tablespoons Maggi ® Seasoing
1 tablespoon bottled hot pepper sauce
1 ½ teaspoons black pepper, crushed a little smoother

How to Treat:

Make Marinade:

1. Saute garlic and onion until wilted.
2. Add remaining ingredients, stirring until boiling. Lift.

Roast Chicken:
1. Marinate chicken with seasoning until blended. Let stand for 30 minutes.
2. Place the chicken meat in a hot dish.
3. Sprinkle green onions.
4. Bake in hot oven 180 C, for 30 minutes.
5. After 15 minutes of baking, turn chicken and bake again until slightly dry and mature.
6. Remove, cut into wedges and serve.

Healthy Tips:
- To make the chicken is not too oily after being cooked, remove skin and layer of fat on the chicken thigh meat.

chicken recipe,Cook the chicken paprika

Source: Dining Magazine

200 grams of chicken breast meat, cut into long thin
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 / 2 teaspoon ground pepper
4 tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
50 grams onion, chopped
100ml chicken stock / water
100 ml tomato sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce english
1 green pepper, cut into long thin
1 teaspoon dried basil
a little lemon juice

How to Treat:

1. Soak the chicken pieces with salt and pepper for 10 minutes.

2. Stir-fry with 2 tablespoons olive oil until slightly browned. Lift.
3. Heat the remaining olive oil, saute garlic and onion until fragrant.
4. Add broth / water, tomato sauce, soy sauce english, peppers and basil.
5. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes until sauce thickens.
6. Add salt and sugar if necessary.
7th. Add chicken saute, stirring, 1 minute. Prior to his appointment, give the lime juice.

Chicken Nugget Spicy Chicken Nugget

1. 3 cloves garlic
2. 5 red chilies, seeded and do not forget
3. 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
4. 2 tablespoons oil, for sauteing
5. 500 g minced chicken fillets
6. 3 egg whites
7th. 2 pieces of white bread destroyed
8. 100 ml milk or chicken broth
9. 2 tablespoons flour for coating terrigu
10. 3 egg whites for extra ordinary
11. 100 g wheat bread, select a bit rough
12. 750 ml oil for mengoreng

Chicken Nugget

1. Puree the onion putiih, red pepper, salt and sugar pasir.tumis with minced chicken meat and egg whites, stirring with a diremes-remes.
2. Soak the bread with broth or milk. Combine the ground beef into the batter. Remes-remes until well blended.
3. For Adnan into four equal parts. Shape into lonjran and for the dough into four equal parts. Shape into lonjoran and wrap with aluminum foil that has been diolesin oil. Steam for 30 minutes until mateng and padet lift and chill.
4. open wrappers cut into 1cm setebel. gumpali with flour, then dip into egg whites.
5. Fry in hot oil until golden yellow to lift and drain serve with bottled hot sauce if you like

Chicken Nugget Recipe - Recipe for Chicken

5 slices white bread, remove skin, cut into rough
250ml fresh milk
2 tablespoons margarine
75 g onion, finely chopped
500 g minced chicken
2 chicken egg yolk
1 / 2 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon salt
oil for frying
2 egg whites
150 g flour panir
# Soak bread in milk until soft and crushed.
# Heat the margarine until melted. Saute onion until wilted. Lift.
# Mix the white bread with sauteed onions, and chicken. Stir until blended.
# Add the egg yolk, pepper and salt. Stir until blended.
# Put the dough in a rectangular baking pan. Flatten.
# Steam in a saucepan heat until cooked. Remove, let cool.
# Remove from pan, cut into pieces the size of 1 × 3x5 cm.
# Dip each piece in beaten eggs. Panir Roll in flour until blended.
# Fry in hot oil until golden yellow and more.
# Remove, drain and serve warm.

For 24 pieces

Resep Donat Kentang

500 g high protein flour
50 gr milk powder
11 gr instant yeast
200 gr potatoes, steamed, mashed and cooled
100 gr sugar psir
75 gr butter
½ teaspoon salt
4 egg yolks BTR
100 ml cold water

How to make:

In container, combine the flour, sugar, milk powder, instant yeast, mix well, put the potatoes finely, pour the egg and cold water, knead until smooth and semi smooth.
Give butter and salt, continue to knead until smooth elastic. Rest 15 minutes.
For the dough, 50 ounces each, Get hold. Let stand 20 minutes, until fluffy.
Punch a hole through the middle, into a donut shape, quickly fried until golden brown.
Remove and drain. Sprinkle sugar donut, or decorate with chocolate

success tips to make the donuts potatoes:

1. Prepare all ingredients beforehand without any eventual miss none, even though salt.

2. Remember the rule I make bread, yeast can not see or butter salt and yes. Raginya'll die, do not want to develop the dough. After the entry of salt and butter dough half smooth.

3. Potato puree until completely smooth, if necessary pake blender, so the dough can be slippery and not gradakan

4. After Smooth Chill potatoes before made Donat. Continue if not in a state dingiiiinnn ... waaa .., direct raginya deh dead.

5. Make a smooth dough until elastic, follow the recipe step by step, until as smooth rounded surface. Smooth and slippery spots will form a beautiful rounded donut when fried / chap.

6. Lk dough rest. 20 s / d 30 minutes (depending on weather), cover with plastic surface does not dry spy.

7. Punch a hole in its center using a chopstick, make circular movements in the donut hole when it started frying donuts and broke, so beautiful rounded shape. Circular motion (centrifugal) will assist the formation of a circular donut.

8. fried with medium heat (so to goto the perfect donut cooked in) If one side is golden brown, turning right, continue frying until both sides brown. Lift. Drain.

Resep Donat Telo

Donut Recipe Ingredients:
• 300 grams of Cassava (Telo) that has been boiled and mashed
• 700 grams Flour Blue Wheels
• 20 grams of milk powder
• 25 grams Flour corn
• 50 grams sugar
• 2 grams Vanilla essence
• 1 gram Eggs
• 8 grams of Instant Yeast
• 400 grams Water
• 25 grams of white Shortening
• 10 grams of salt

Donut Recipe Ingredients:
• 200 grams of refined sugars

How to Make Doughnuts:
1. Mix all dry ingredients in mixer bowl. Except for the white salt and shortening.
2. Add the eggs and water into the dry ingredients, stirring with a low speed until dough is lumpy. Enter the white shortening and salt, stir again at medium speed until smooth.
3. Dough rest for ± 15 minutes. Weigh dough weighing 40 grams, round-round it off and put on baking sheet that has been given the wheat flour. ± 10-minute rest your back.
4. After 10 minutes, using the holes in the middle finger and the second circled so that the hole widened. Place the dough on the baking sheet back earlier; let that little fluffy.
5. Prepare a skillet with a lot of oil and use medium heat.
6. Fry until cooked donuts or brownish color.
7. Let the cold donuts. After the cold donuts, sprinkle the surface with powdered sugar, or roll-gulungkan donut in powdered sugar.

Results so: 35 pcs

Resep Ontbijtkoek Muffin

Ontbijtkoek Muffin Recipe Ingredients:

• 4 Grain Eggs
• 150 grams of sugar palm
• 15 grams Cake emulsifier
• 120 grams Flour Blue Triangle
• 15 grams of milk powder
• 2 grams Baking powder
• ½ tablespoon seasoning spekuk
• 1 / 2 teaspoon salt
• 60 grams of butter (melted)
• 100 grams of chopped Walnuts.

How to Make Muffin Ontbijtkoek:
1. Beat eggs, sugar palm, and the cake emulsifier until fluffy.
2. Sift together flour Blue Triangle, milk powder, baking powder, spices spekuk, and salt.
3. Then enter the dry ingredients into egg mixture gradually while stirring, stirring with a wooden spoon or spatula.
4. Pour the melted butter, stirring constantly, stir together the batter.
5. Enter the chopped walnuts into the batter and then stir with a wooden spoon or spatula until blended.
6. Printed in the muffin tin that has been backed with paper cup and then sprinkle again on its surface with walnut pieces.
7. Bake at 180 ° C for ± 30 minutes.

Recipes and Photos: BBC - Bogasari Baking Center

Resep Roti Telo Ungu

Ingredients A:
• 650 grams of Sweet violet
• 62.5 grams of sugar
• 12.5 grams of Margarine

How to Make Bread Telo Purple:
1. Steam the sweet potato until tender, peel skin and then puree.
2. Cook the sugar until the water is reduced. Then enter the margarine.

Material B:
• Twin Disc 475 grams Flour
• 25 grams Flour Blue Triangle
• 65 grams sugar
• 7 grams of salt
• 150 grams of milk powder
• 150 grams of cooked Cassava
• 6 grams of Instant Yeast
• 1.5 grams Bread improver
• 2 eggs yolk
• a whole grain Eggs
• 145 grams Water
• 40 grams Fats

How to Make:
1. Stir the dry ingredients, then enter the purple sweet potato is cooked.
2. Add eggs and water, stir until lumpy.
3. Then enter the margarine, stir until smooth.
4. Remove and let stand 10 minutes; plastic lid.
5. Weighing 50 grams, the round it off. Rest 10 minutes; plastic lid.

White Dough Ingredients:
• 250 grams Wheat Twin Disc
• 25 grams sugar
• 2.5 grams of salt
• 100 grams white Shortening
• 125 grams of hot water
• 5 grams Baking powder

How to Make:
1. Mix all dry ingredients, mix at medium speed.
2. Add hot water, then white shortening, stir until the batter is smooth.
3. Weigh 14 grams of dough.

1. Pipihkan dough piece purple, round it off, cover with white dough, then carved or scissors.
2. Rest for ± 60 minutes until the dough expands.
3. Burn in the oven at 180 ° C for ± 15 minutes.

Resep Lumpia Jamur dan Ayam

Lumpia Recipe Ingredients Mushroom and Chicken:
• 1 pack of spring roll skin
• 1 can of mushroom
• 50 grams of chicken breasts
Onion • 1 fruit
• 2 pieces of Garlic
• 1 pack of food seasonings
• Sugar to taste
• Pepper to taste
• Salt to taste
• Cooking oil to taste.

How to Make Mushroom and Chicken Lumpia:
1. Minced chicken, mushrooms, onions until soft.
2. Once chopped cooked with sauteed, put garlic finely, salt, sugar, pepper, flavoring, stirring until cooked.
3. Prepare a spring roll skins give 2 tablespoons chicken mixture.
4. Lumpia rolls up like a pillow-shaped.
5. Fry in oil over medium heat.
6. Lift & Drain well and serve with chilli sauce bottle.

Resep Pia Keju Lilit

Ingredients A:

• 250 grams of Flour Semar
• 75 grams of cooking oil
• 75 grams Water
• 50 grams of refined sugars

How to Make Cheese Pia convolution:
1. Mix all ingredients in a mixer and mix at medium speed until smooth ¾.
2. Lift; rest ± 10 minutes.

Ingredients B:
• 200 grams Flour Semar
• 150 grams of cooking oil

How to Make:
Mix all ingredients until well blended.

Filling Ingredients:
• 500 grams cheddar cheese

• 1 point Eggs
• 1 egg yolk mixture and salt ± strain

How to Make:
Cut lengthwise @ cheddar cheese weighing 5 grams. Set aside.

1. Take the dough A, then using the rolling pin thinly so as to form a rectangle.
2. Take the dough B; thinly. Place dough on top of dough A. B Then fold the dough so the dough B both located in the batter A.
thinly again by using the rolling pin. Do as much as 3x daily newspaper. Dough rest for ± 20 minutes.
3. Cut the dough lengthwise ½. Tipiskan dough. then cut the dough lengthwise using a pastry cutter (like a cheese straw).
4. Take one piece of dough and then take the cheese. Twist the mixture into the filling, so filling completely closed (not shown). Do the same thing until the dough is finished.
5. Put a twist earlier in the pan that has been smeared with white shortening. Grease is also topped with a smear of material.
6. Bake in oven at 180 ° C for ± 20 minutes.

Resep Dadar Gulung Pisang Dengan Sauce Kurma

Banana Roll Recipe Ingredients Dadar Dates With Sauce:

• Flour 200 gr
• Eggs 2 eggs
• Water taste
• Banana King 10 seeds
• 1 tablespoon butter
• cocoa powder to taste
• cedar Cheese 100 gr
• Dates 100 gr

How To Make Dadar Banana Wind:

1. Boil until cooked plantain
2. Mix the flour, eggs, water, butter, cocoa powder, until well blended
3. Create a skin from the mixture, with a round pan
4. take the finished leather, boiled bananas and put pieces of cheese, then roll
5. For the sauce:
- Pitted dates, blender until smooth
- Heat and added the water, stirring until thick, remove from heat.
6. Place the banana roll dough flush with the sauce dates.

Resep Kue Lumpur Pandan


500cc thick coconut milk (juice first)
500cc liquid coconut milk (if less watery just add)
1/4kg flour
3butir eggs
175gr sugar (if less sweetness, if less add only)
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
pandan paste to taste (can be replaced with the juice of pandan leaves / suji)
How to Make:

1. Stir together condensed milk, flour, eggs and salt.

2. Divide half the batter.
3. Half a dilute mixture added coconut milk, and stir well, a bit salty if you want to stay a little more salt added.
4. Half the dough added sugar and pandan paste and stir well.
5. Pour white batter into all the pan.
6. Take a little dough with a spoon that had been poured, so that the dough becomes concave.
7. Pour batter into the basin pandan height in the pan until the white dough, covered, cooked, serve.

for 15pcs

Resep Bolu Kering Mocca


• 12 grams Eggs
• 300 grams sugar
• 5 ml Vanilla essence
• 300 grams of Flour Semar
• 6 grams Baking powder
• 20 grams Spice spekuk
• 3 grams of salt
• 150 grams of Margarine, melted
• 300 grams of Chocolate muisjes
• 16 grams of pasta Mocca.

How to Make Dry Mocca Cake:

1. Stir eggs and sugar using an electric mixer until stiff.
2. Elsewhere, mix and sieve dry ingredients until blended. Enter the dry ingredients to egg mixture gradually with occasional stirring using a wooden spatula. Enter muisjes brown also. Stir until blended.
3. Enter the already melted margarine, stir again until smooth.
4. Prepare the four pan size 30 cm x 10 cm x 7 cm, which was smeared with white and given paper shortening bread. After that, basting again with the shortening of white butcher paper.
5. For the average batter into each pan.
6. Bake at 180 ° C for ± 30 minutes (until completely cooked).
7. Remove the cake from the mold, cultured until cold. Cut into pieces lengthwise.
8. Put the pieces in baking pan that has been lined with baking paper, burn longer, until cake is completely dry with a temperature of 150 ° F. oven

Resep Bolu Karamel


- 1 cup granulated sugar

- 2 cups hot water

- 1.5 cups all purpose flour

- 1 / 2 cup cornstarch

- 8 eggs

- 150 grams margarine

- 2 teaspoons (tsp) baking soda

- Half a can of condensed milk (200 grams)


1. Make caramel: heat the sugar in a skillet using medium heat, leave until melted and light golden brown, do not stir stir. Then input the hot water gradually, stirring until well blended water and karamelnya. Chill

2. Beat margarine and sweetened condensed milk until it becomes a white color. Then enter one by one with whipped egg

3. Enter who sifted flour with baking soda and cornstarch gradually while stirring until the average

4. Enter the caramel into the water while stirring until dough flat

5. Pour into oiled baking pan who had previously margarine

6. Grill over medium heat until cooked (180C kira2 slama 40 min)

notes & tips:

1. This cake batter (before the roast) liquid unlike any other cake batter

2. If the cake is black does not mean melt the sugar has not been perfect. So let the sugar dissolve by itself. Do not flip-flops. Once completely melted and hot water washed down the new black. But be careful because too bitter klo can make the cake will taste bitter

3. Flushed caramel-me so preferably with hot water. The goal is that there is no splashing, or at least minimize splashing. Pour hot water little by little

4. To make a nest (the holes), please use the baking soda. Mix baking soda with flour and corn starch. Mix well and sieve

5. Do not bake with a temperature of eminence. Because the baking temperature eminence could make a cake surface is dry it is still watery tp / wet. Alias outer cake is ripe when the inside is still immature or even raw. Maximum use temperature of 180C for 40-45 min.

6. How to tell if the cake is already cooked or not, use a toothpick. If this tooth inserted and a puncture dry cake that is already cooked.

Resep Kue Panada

Enjoyed more delicious warm. Plus the nutritional value of tuna that tastes quite tasty. yummmmyyyyy ......

Panada Recipe Ingredients:
• 8 grams of Instant Yeast
• 100 ml of warm coconut milk
• 150 grams of Flour Mount Bromo

How to Make Panada:

1. Combine yeast, warm milk, and flour Mount Bromo. Stir until blended.

• 500 grams Flour Coach
• 100 grams sugar
• 5 grams of salt
• 2 eggs, lightly beaten
• ½ tablespoons seasonings flavor
• 225 ml thick coconut milk
• 2 liters of oil for frying

2. Coach Combine flour, sugar, salt, and eggs, as well as flavor. Enter the number one batter. Knead as he poured a little milk until the dough does not stick to hands and smooth.

3. The dough formed a large circle, place in bowl, cover with a damp towel or piece of plastic.

4. Allow 30 minutes to ride. For the 14-15 spots.

Material Content:
• 500 grams of swordfish meat
• 1 tablespoon lemon juice
• 50 ml coconut milk from a coconut
• 2 lbr pandan leaves, thinly sliced
• 6 lbr lime leaves, discard the core, thinly sliced
• 50 grams of basil leaves, sliced
• 2 lbr Leaf lemongrass, thinly sliced
• 2 pieces tomatoes, chopped
• 3 tbsp Oil for frying

Spices that are:
• 8 pieces of red pepper
• 5 Tamarind fruit, fried
• 1 teaspoon chopped ginger
• 10 pieces of red onion
• 8 pieces of Garlic
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1 tbsp Sugar

How to Make:
1. Marinate the fish with lime juice or tamarind juice. Let ± 0 minutes.
2. Bake or steam until cooked. Take the meat.
3. Stir-fry ground spices until fragrant. Enter the leaves and tomato slices. After wilting, put the coconut milk and fish meat. Cook until completely cooked and dry. Remove and let cool.

1. Take one part of the dough skin, tipiskan ± ½ cm, give 1 tablespoon dough content, fold the two into a half circle, pinch and fold the edges, put in a place that has been smeared oil. Let ± 10 minutes.
2. Fried with oil many that were heat until browned, drain and serve.

Resep Coffee Chocolate Cookies

For those of you who like the smell of coffee, cookies can be used as a snack after breaking fast or as Lebaran. Good luck.

Chocolate Coffee Cookies Recipe Ingredients:
• 150 grams Margarine
• 35 grams Butter
• 150 grams of refined sugars
• 5 grams of instant coffee powder
• para 1.5 Egg yolk
• 190 grams Flour Blue Key
• 33 grams of full cream milk powder
• 35 grams of corn
• 6 grams Cocoa powder
• Baking powder 1 gram.

Topping Ingredients:
• 50 grams of egg white
• 125 grams of refined sugars
• 1 gram cream of tartar
• 2 grams of instant coffee powder.

Resep Fla puding Stroberi Vanilla


Strawberry fruit puree 100gr
900 ml strawberry-flavored milk
250 ml strawberry-flavored cream (if nobody else can)
1 packet (7 grams) of red jelly if there
100 gr sugar
2 beaten eggs mixed with 4 tablespoons loose fresh milk.

Fla recipe ingredients:
½ can of sweetened condensed milk
400 ml water
100 gr sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons cornstarch dissolved in 100 ml water
2 kunig beaten eggs mixed with 4 tablespoons of loose water.

How to make pudding:

Boiled all ingredients except the egg until boiling. After boiling turn off heat and direct input whipped egg off.
Stir until the egg-Bener Bener flat, then pour into molds.

How to make a fla:

Boil all ingredients except egg yolk solution and maizana.
After boiling the corn input solution.
Turn off the heat, then immediately enter the egg yolk, stirring constantly until the egg yolk blended.
After the cold pudding & fla, saved in the refrigerator, serve cold with cream garnish.


Source: Femina Magazine

Tape cheese cake recipe ingredients:
300 gr tape cassava, mashed with a fork
6 egg yolks
4 egg whites
10 gr emulsifier
200 gr sugar
160 gr flour
25 gr milk powder
1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder
150 gr butter, melted.
125 gr grated cheese

How to make cheese cake tape:

Beat eggs, sugar and emulsifier until fluffy
Insert the tape cassava gradually refined until the average
Stir in the flour, milk powder & baking powder, mix well
Enter melt butter, stir
Enter the 100 gr grated cheese, stir well
Pour into buttered baking dish that has been covered with paper or bread
Sprinkle grated cheese 25 gr
Bake in oven until surface is golden brown.

Resep Bolu Gulung Lapis Keju

A recipe ingredients

6 egg yolks
3 items egg white
70 gr sugar
1 tbsp Sponge 28 (or other emulsifier: SP, TBM, Ovalet, etc.)
1 tbsp milk powder
Self-raising flour 50 grams (50 ounces regular flour plus 1 tablespoon baking powder)
1 tbsp water


50 g margarine
15 gr butter
1 tsp vanilla essence

Butter cream is ready for use.
Coarse grated cheddar cheese.

A Put all the ingredients together.
Beat the whites until fluffy.
Then enter the melted butter, stir until the bottom of the container.

(If using a hand mixer, beat eggs and sugar, emulsifier until
expands, enter the water. Add flour mixture and milk BP
powder. Enter the melted butter.)

Pour in baking pan that has been coated paper 22x22 bread (no more buttered)
Save some dough, put 1 tsp of cocoa paste / powder, mix well.
Striped syringe, and made such a motive in the photo.
Bake for 20 minutes with a fire down at 180C

End process:

Once cooked. Lift the cake. And overturned on top of baking paper.
Rub butter cream cake with a thin, sprinkle with grated cheese.
Roll with compacted.
Cut into pieces and serve for 10 pieces.

Resep Brownies Panggang

120 g wheat flour
200 g margarine
3 eggs, beat until fluffy
200 g dark cooking chocolate, chopped
150 g sugar
60 g pieces of almonds / walnuts
¼ tsp fine salt

How to Make:
1. Heat the margarine until melted. Enter a piece of chocolate, sugar and salt, stirring until chocolate melts and sugar dissolve. Lift.
2. Pour a little flour and beaten egg. Add the chopped almonds / walnuts. Stir well.
3. Pour batter into greased already dialas with baking paper and spread with margarine, spread them evenly. Sprinkle top with chopped almonds.
4. Bake in the oven temperature 170 degrees Celsius for 45 minutes or until cake is cooked. Lift. Cut into pieces and serve.
For 12 pieces

Color chocolate brownies are hard to tell if the cake is cooked or not. You do this by piercing the cake with a stick / wire. If there is no stick-raised dough which patch / dry means the cake is cooked.

Resep Bika Ambon

Raw Recipes I bika ambon
10 yellow eggs retrieved only
200 gr sago farmers
200 gr sugar

Recipe Ingredients bika ambon II: nerds
1 tablespoon yeast bread (yeast)
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1 tbsp plain flour
3 tablespoons warm water

Recipe Ingredients bika ambon III
300 ml thick coconut milk
2 pandan leaves
2 pieces lemongrass
10 sheets of orange leaves

How to make bika ambon:

For the nerds: Mix all ingredients until the average nerds. Let stand ten minutes.
Boil coconut milk with lemongrass, pandan leaves, lime leaves to the boil. Chill until lukewarm.
Beat the egg yolks and sugar until smooth, then enter the sago, nerds, and coconut milk. Stir until blended, strained, then let stand for 3 hours.
Enter a mold, baked with fire under him dry, then turn the fire up until you mature bika Ambon.

Black Forest


8 egg yolks

5 egg whites

150 gr sugar

100 gr flour

1 tablespoon cornstarch

3 tablespoons cocoa powder

(*) Third sifted ingredients TSB

25 cc of melted butter

25 cc rhum

200 gr whipping cream powder

400 cc of cold milk

1 klg black cherry

200 g cooking chocolate

1. Beat eggs and sugar until thick & up.
2. Enter flour & chocolate mixture, stir well
3. Enter the oil gradually, stirring until smooth
4. Pour in pan 20 cm round who smeared butter & dusted with flour
5. Bake in moderately hot oven with (180oC - 30 minutes) until cooked, cooled
6. Cut one in half, sprinkle every surface with rhum
7. Beat chilled whipping cream with milk until creamy, then apply at half the cake, give black cherry, Put back
8. Apply also on the entire surface of the cake and then decorated
9. Cookin grated chocolate, chill in the fridge ± 15 minutes, sprinkle on the cake, decorate with cherries
10. MLP Chill fridge, so whipping cream does not melt


Marmer Cake


6 egg yolks

5 egg whites

300 gr butter

250 gr granulated sugar

225 gr flour

25 gr cocoa powder, sifter

½ teaspoon vanilla

1. Beat butter & sugar until creamy smooth
2. Enter the egg yolks one by one as he whipped continue
3. Enter vanilla
4. Enter the flour, stir well
5. Beat the egg whites until stiff
6. Enter into the batter, mix well
7. Take 150 cc of dough, campurdgn who has sifted cocoa powder, mix well
8. Pour some white batter into greased who smeared margarine and sprinkled with flour, then chocolate mixture, then remaining white batter
9. Stir the mixture in baking dish surface gently with a fork to get the marble hue after being cooked
10. Bake with a temperature of 160oC for 50 minutes ±


Resep Kue Bolu Pisang


200 gr butter

200 gr powdered sugar

5 egg yolks

4 egg whites, beaten stiff

3 pcs ripe bananas, mashed

2 tbsp lemon juice

The two materials are put together

225 gr of wheat flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon baking soda

Of the sifted ingredients into one


1. Beat sugar and butter until smooth
2. Enter the egg yolks one by one as he whipped up a white & rose
3. Enter & banana flour alternately, stirring gently
4. Enter the egg whites, mix well
5. Pour into oiled baking pan who sprinkled flour & margarine
6. Bake on medium heat (180oC) for 50 minutes until cooked


Resep Kue Bolu Pisang


200 gr butter

200 gr powdered sugar

5 egg yolks

4 egg whites, beaten stiff

3 pcs ripe bananas, mashed

2 tbsp lemon juice

The two materials are put together

225 gr of wheat flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon baking soda

Of the sifted ingredients into one


1. Beat sugar and butter until smooth
2. Enter the egg yolks one by one as he whipped up a white & rose
3. Enter & banana flour alternately, stirring gently
4. Enter the egg whites, mix well
5. Pour into oiled baking pan who sprinkled flour & margarine
6. Bake on medium heat (180oC) for 50 minutes until cooked


Resep Bolu Santan 3 Warna


125 gr flour

175 gr sugar

6 eggs

Sky 125 cc coconut milk

½ tsp fine salt

1 teaspoon baking powder

3 drops vanilla

red and green dye

How to Make:

1. Create a thick coconut milk from coconuts, jerangkan over the fire until almost boiling, cooled
2. Take the sky as much as 125 cc, give salt
3. Whisk sugar, eggs, and vanilla for 20 minutes
4. Stir in the flour & baking powder, stirring slowly
5. Enter the sky a little coconut milk, stir well
6. The dough is divided three, give the white, red, green
7. Pour the white batter in pan 22 cm who smeared margarine and sprinkled with flour
8. Bake in oven on medium heat for ± 15 minutes, until golden brown
9. Pour red batter on top, bake another 15 minutes until golden brown
10. Pour the batter green, move the pan on top oven rack and bake until cooked cake


Resep Kue Cherry Roll Tart


10 egg yolks

2 egg whites

75 gr sugar

¼ teaspoon baking powder

50 gr flour

½ tbsp cornstarch

2 tsp cocoa powder

6 tablespoons melted butter

150 cc of whipped cream

1 klg cherry

250 g cooking chocolate

150 gr unsalted butter

50 cc water cherry

1 recipe chocolate cream
How to Make:

1. Eggs, sugar, & baking powder whipped until thick & up
2. Enter flour & vanilla, beat at low speed
3. Enter the melted butter, mix well
4. Pour in pan 30 x 30 x 2 cm, who pad with baking paper, spread with margarine
5. Grill over high heat (200oC) for 10 minutes until browned, then cooled
6. Lightly butter one side of cake with whipped cream & cherry-me-drained
7. Carefully roll, chill in refrigerator
8. After a bit hard, spread with chocolate cream, decorated according to taste


Resep Kue Tar Kelapa Muda


1 cup young coconut from two coconuts

50 gr flour

25 gr cornstarch

25 gr butter

150 gr granulated sugar

6 egg yolks

6 egg whites

400 cc of liquid milk

200 cc of coconut water

¾ tsp fine salt

½ teaspoon vanilla

50 gr raisins


1. Beat the egg yolks, sugar, salt, and vanilla until thick white &
2. Beat butter with fork until smooth, add to the egg yolk mixture, stir well
3. Enter a young coconut, stirring
4. Pour coconut milk & milk little by little until blended
5. Beat the egg whites until stiff, add to the batter and stir gently
6. Pour the batter into the hot dish who smeared margarine, decorate with raisins
7. Bake in oven over medium heat for 30 minutes until cooked




11 egg yolks

3 egg whites

75 gr sugar

1 tablespoon sweetened condensed milk

75 gr flour

½ teaspoon baking powder

75 g margarine, melted

butter according to taste


1. Beat in yolk, egg white & sugar until thick & up
2. Enter the milk, flour, stir well
3. Pour liquid margarine, stir
4. Pour in baking pan 30 x 30 cm square who sprinkled flour smeared margarine &
5. Bake in oven over high heat (210oC - 10 minutes)
6. Invert cake onto baking paper, spread with margarine who
7. Spread jam on its surface, roll pastry hati2 to remain smooth surface. Cut

Nastar Selai

  • 125 gr margarine
  • 50 gr sugar
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 egg white mixed spicies
  • 200 gr flour
  • 1 egg yolk mixed spicies for greasing


  • 200 gr butter, to taste

How To Make:
  1. Beat margarine with sugar & vanilla until thick
  2. Enter the egg whites, beat until blended. Enter the flour, mix well
  3. Take ½ tablespoons of dough, shape dough elliptical, fill with jam, cover. Shape as desired (eg shaped fruit guava, soursop, etc.). Brush the surface with egg yolk
  4. Bake in moderately hot oven for 30 minutes
  5. Ready to serve

Bolu Pisang


* 150 Gram Flour
* 5 tablespoons Cream Milk Powder
* 1 / 2 Teaspoon Baking Powder
* Refined Sugar 150 Gram
* 150 Gram Margarine, melted
* 6 Eggs Grains
* 1 tablespoon TBM
* 2 Ambon Bananas, mashed
* 1 Ambon Bananas, cut into pieces

How to Treat:

* Prepare sponge cake mold, dab of margarine on the inner side, sprinkle the flour until evenly distributed.
* Combine Flour, Milk and cream powder baking powder, stirring until evenly mixed.
* Beat eggs and sugar until white.
* Enter the TBM, shake until mengembang.Masukkan mashed banana, mix well.
* Enter the flour mixture, stir gently until well blended.
* Enter Liquid margarine, stirring evenly.
* Pour batter into molds.
* Bake a minute until half cooked (approximately 25 minutes), remove, and top with banana slices.
* Bake until cooked (until the fawn-colored surfaces).



1. 50 grams margarine or butter, melted and let cool
2. 50 grams powdered sugar
3. 7 chicken egg yolk, two white mixed
4. 40 grams of flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder
5. 1 tablespoon sweetened condensed milk
6. 1 tablespoon rum

How To Make Cake Recipes Cake Roll First Tempo:

1. Beat eggs, vanilla, and sugar until thick and pale
2. Enter the milk, rum and honey. Stir well
3. Stir in the flour, stirring gently. Then enter the liquid margarine. Stir well
4. Pour the batter into the pan (25 × 27 cm) which was lined with baking paper and daubed margarine and sprinkled with a little flour
5. Bake until cooked. Removed hot from the pan and turn cake onto baking paper, grounded telenan berpulas margarine Slowly pull the paper bread, rolls and scrolls open again
6. Slowly remove the baking paper, roll and roll open again
7. Brush the surface of the cake with butter while it's hot enough. Roll again. Let cool
8. Asleep with the taste of butter cream on top rolls, sprinkle with brown rice, Cut into pieces when they wanted to serve.

Resep Kue Brownis Kacang Kurma

Brownis Nut Cake Dates

Bean Cakes heat Brownis Dates

* 3000 grams of margarine
* 3500 grams of dark chocolate, chopped
* 50 eggs
* 1000 grams of granulated sugar
* 1000 grams of brown sugar
* 1000 grams of cake flour
* 250 grams of brown powder
* 20 grams baking powder
* 500 grams of shelled peanuts, roasted, coarsely chopped
* 500 grams of dates, cut into small pieces

Material graffiti
100 grams of white cooking chocolate, melted

How to make palm-nut cake brownis

1. Heat margarine, math fire, add the chocolate pieces. stir until chocolate has melted. Set aside.
2. Beat eggs, sugar, and brown sugar until thick 2 minutes
3. Enter the margarine mixture in small increments while beaten flat. add flour, cocoa powder, and baking powder sifted and stirred while the average
4. Enter some chopped nuts and dates. stir
5. Pour in two baking pan 30 x 10 x 4 cm dioles dialas margarine and baking paper. sprinkle remaining chopped nuts
6. Oven 35 minutes with a temperature of 180 degrees centigrade. chill
7. Garnish with streaks of white cooking chocolate melted